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CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations – panel discussion

30. 6. 2022 @ 18:00

On 30th June at 18 CET, ELMO – Eastern European Left Media Outlet is inviting you to participate in a panel discussion on how urban and radical housing justice movements are resisting the post-socialist neoliberal transformations of Central Eastern European (CEE) cities.

The discussion is a concluding event of ELMO’s inedit thematic series called CEE housing movements resisting neoliberal urban transformations published between 10th-24th June. To access the series in English and in local languages (Romanian, Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian, Czech, Ukrainian and Polish) as they are published, use this link:

Invited speakers:
Alona Liasheva (Ukraine)
Ana Vilenica (Serbia)
Enikő Vincze (Romania)
Táňa Zabloudilová (Czech-Republic)
Vitalie Sprînceană (Moldova)
Moderator: Nóra Ugron (Romania)

To join the discussion on Zoom use this link or the codes:
Meeting ID: 885 7518 1011
Passcode: 661527

The discussion will be live streamed on Facebook and cross-posted across co-hosting ELMO member platforms’ pages as well.

In the series and in this discussion, we are particularly interested in questions such as:

– urban and housing movements fighting gentrification, privatization and financialization of housing;
– movements building an intersectional perspective by addressing race, gender, class and other factors of potentional dissadvantage in accessing the right to housing
– actions and coalitions addressing the problem of rising rents
– victories in the fight for housing justice won through introduction and adoption of progressive policies (social housing, rent control, etc.)
– anti-eviction movements and struggles in the region
– building anti-capitalist alternatives: housing cooperatives, financial inovations, housing as commons, etc.
– counter-discourses and counter-narratives to the ”civilising” process of Eastern European cities (gentrification and beautification of the center, invention of historic centers, creation of consumerist and leisure pedestrian areas, etc.)


30. 6. 2022
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